The Ridges Limited Partnership (RLP) was established to develop a premier, residential community in west Omaha, located on one square mile of property bordered by Pacific St to the north, West Center Rd to the south, 180th St to the east and 192nd St to the west. A Sanitation Improvement District (SID) #367 was established to install and maintain streets, sewers and the like. RLP planted thousands of trees throughout the neighborhood.
The Ridges encompasses nearly 350 acres of single-family homes and green space. Shadow Ridge Country Club & Golf Course comprises approximately 200 acres. The Ridges includes high-quality, upscale homes of varying sizes and styles in thirteen distinct, but fully integrated subdivisions. Many homes have spectacular views of the golf course, ponds or the surrounding area due to softly rolling hills and ridges.
The first residents of The Ridges began moving into their new homes in 1993. In 1994, the annual Metro Area Builders Association’s (MOBA) Street of Dreams showcased new homes in The Ridges’ Cherry Ridge subdivision and again in 1999 in Fairway Ridge. Many homes in The Ridges have been featured in MOBA’s annual Parade of Homes over the years as well.
Shadow Ridge Country Club & Golf Course (SRCC) opened its doors for business in 1990. Although SRCC is an integral part of the community experience at The Ridges, it is a privately owned business and separate entity from The Ridges and RHOA. Roughly half The Ridges’ residents enjoy full or social memberships at SRCC, whether dining and attending social events at the clubhouse, swimming, playing tennis or enjoying a round of golf on the 18-hole championship golf course.
The Declaration of Covenants for The Ridges and RHOA was first filed with Douglas County in February 1993. As additional subdivisions within The Ridges were developed, corresponding Covenants and Amendments were also filed. Articles of Incorporation are filed with the state of Nebraska registering RHOA as a not-for-profit corporation. All residential lot owners within The Ridges are automatically members of RHOA. Per the Covenants, RHOA has as its purpose, “the preservation of the values and amenities of The Ridges, the maintenance of the character and residential integrity of The Ridges, and the promotion of the health, safety, recreation, welfare and enjoyment of the residents of The Ridges”. Since being named the Declarant by RLP in July 2009, all powers, duties and responsibilities of RHOA are exercised and administered by the RHOA Board of Directors (Board).
Lot owners/RHOA members are entitled to cast one vote per lot to elect the RHOA Board. Board elections are held once every two years at the annual homeowner meeting to fill a maximum of nine board positions. The Board determines policy and makes decisions concerning RHOA business and affairs. Open positions may be filled by appointment until the next election. All Board positions are volunteer and currently held by residents of The Ridges. Since 2002, property management has been employed to assist the Board in oversight of day-to-day business and to implement Board policies and decisions.
Per the Covenants, a minimum of five members is required to serve as the Design Review Board (DRB) for The Ridges. DRB members meet monthly to review new home plans and any proposed changes or improvements to the exterior of existing homeowner properties. The RHOA Board appoints DRB members, with one position on the DRB reserved for a representative of SRCC. All DRB positions are volunteer and currently held by residents of The Ridges.
In March of 2007, the city of Omaha annexed the square mile encompassing The Ridges and SRCC, thus dissolving SID #376. The city now provides services such as weekly trash pick-up, snow removal and street repairs that had formerly been provided by the SID.
The Ridges is comprised of 784 lots in the following 13 subdivisions:
Cherry Ridge (CHR) 107 lots Clubside Townhomes (CTH) 13 lots Crimson Ridge (CRR) & Crimson Ridge Extension (CRE) 112 lots Double Creek Estates (DCE) 27 lots Fairway Ridge (FAR) 83 lots Saddle Ridge (SAD) 75 lots Shadow Lakes (SHL) 58 lots Shadow Ridge Estates (SRE) 18 lots South Pine Point (SPP) 22 lots * South Ridge (SOR) 28 lots West View Ridge (WVR) & West View Ridge Extension (WVE) 55 lots Whispering Hollow at The Ridges (WHH) 132 lots Whispering Pines (WHP) 54 lots * South Ridge, located at the southeast corner of The Ridges, is being developed at this time with single-family homes starting at $500,000. To purchase a lot, builders or individuals should contact Willie Douglas at Malibu Homes at (402) 933-0411. Undeveloped lots are still available and for sale in Crimson Ridge Extension, Fairway Ridge, West View Ridge Extension and Whispering Hollow at The Ridges. Interested parties should contact a local real estate agent. |
Whispering Hollow at The Ridges, (formerly known as Brookfield at The Ridges), and Whispering Pines are gated communities within The Ridges. Residents there are members of RHOA, as well as their own homeowners’ associations. Whispering Hollow’s HOA, Brookfield at The Ridges Homeowners Association (BHOA), and Whispering Pines’ HOA, Whispering Pines Townhome Owners Association (WPHOA), provide additional services exclusively for the benefit of their residents such as homeowner lawn care, additional landscaping maintenance and snow removal from private streets, sidewalks and driveways. Common areas located inside the gated communities are owned and maintained by their own homeowners’ associations for the exclusive use of their residents. Cherry Ridge residents pay an additional assessment, determined by the Cherry Ridge Pool Committee, to maintain two pools located within their area, to be used by Cherry Ridge homeowners only.
Nearly 25 acres of green space are owned and maintained by RHOA for the use and enjoyment of all residents of The Ridges. This acreage includes a 4.5-acre park located just south of Center Ridge Dr. The park has soccer & baseball fields, a playground and picnic areas. Another 13.7 acres are located just south and east of the park with two stocked, fishing ponds with fountains. Additional small areas of green space owned by RHOA are located in West View Ridge, Crimson Ridge Extension and Cherry Ridge. All RHOA green space properties are open to all residents for use from dawn to dusk. Since annexation of The Ridges by the city of Omaha, the subsequent dissolution of the SID, and by agreement with Omaha Public Works, roughly 20 acres of right-of-way in and around The Ridges are also maintained by RHOA.
Four primary entrances lead in to the three main streets in The Ridges: Shadow Ridge Dr, Center Ridge Dr and S 189th St. The landscaped primary entrance areas with bronze statues welcome residents and visitors alike at Shadow Ridge Dr and S 180th St, Center Ridge Dr and S 180th St, Shadow Ridge Dr and S 192nd St, and S 189th St and Pacific St. 19 secondary entrance areas are located throughout the neighborhood to help identify subdivisions within The Ridges.
Homeowners are assessed dues annually to pay for services provided by RHOA. Annual dues are determined each year by the RHOA Board based on projected expenses for the upcoming year. Additional assessments are occasionally necessary to pay for capital improvements and/or repairs. Currently, RHOA annual dues are $750.00 per homeowner lot.
- Weekly mowing and routine lawn treatments on RHOA property
as well as some right-of-way (ROW) and easement areas
- Annual flower planting and maintenance
- Routine trimming, weeding, treatments and watering of all
RHOA-maintained landscape beds
- Tree care by certified arborists to high-visibility trees
along main streets, including pruning and treatments as needed
- Premium mulch for perennial beds and trees
- Routine watering of RHOA lawns and plantings
- Maintenance and repair of neighborhood sprinkler system
- Maintenance and repair of wells and other water sources
- Maintenance of two stocked, fishing ponds
- Maintenance and repair of two fountains
- Maintenance and repair of entrance signs, spot lights and
four bronze statues
- Utility expenses related to sprinklers, fountains, lights
and signs
- Maintenance and repair of the park and equipment,
including the playground, picnic areas and baseball & soccer fields
- Scheduling of organized sports team practices at ball
- Maintenance and repair of all homeowner mailboxes
- Sidewalk snow removal along main streets and entrance
- Weekly property inspections of the entire neighborhood for
maintenance & repair needs and covenant enforcement
- Weekly litter removal from main streets and entrance areas
- Seasonal lighting displays at primary entrances
- Weekly security patrols by professional police officers
- Oversight of all tax, accounting, insurance, legal and
city, county and/or state obligations
- Annual billing and management of accounts receivable &
- Publication of quarterly newsletter
- Website maintenance
- Professional property management by P. J. Morgan Real
- 24-hour contact number for neighborhood emergencies
For more information visit The Ridges website at www.ridgeshoa.com or contact the property manager or a board member at RHOA@ridgeshoa.com
Homeowners are assessed dues annually to pay for the above mentioned services. Annual dues are determined each year by the RHOA Board of Directors based on projected expenses for the upcoming year. Additional assessments are occasionally necessary to pay for capital improvements and/or repairs. Currently, annual dues are $475 per homeowner lot. For more information, visit The Ridges website at www.ridgeshoa.com or contact the property manager or a board member at RHOA@ridgeshoa.com.